The first mental health app with IMMEDIATE CUSTOMIZED PEER SUPPORT is changing the way people in pain communicate and heal.
Raise Your WhiteFlag
When you are most in need of help is often the moment when it’s the most difficult to reach out and ask. That’s why at WhiteFlag, people who know what you’re going through will reach out to you.
Support Someone
Some people have a difficult time reaching out for help and want others to initiate support. Sometimes all it takes is a friendly word to make a difference. The Support Someone list utilizes a unique algorithm to match individuals who are seeking help with users that have similar backgrounds.
Make a Difference
WhiteFlag is designed to seamlessly and instantly match people who want to help ease suffering with those who need their support. Built by people who understand rock bottom, desperation, and darkness, WhiteFlag is light in the dark and the link to someone who understands when it feels like no one possibly can.
Build Community
Whether you’re struggling with PTSD, depression, substance use, grief, divorce, or simply seek advice, WhiteFlag is a safe space where you can say the things you think no one else can bear to hear. Our community is ready to listen, hold space, and relate.
Download the WhiteFlag app and sign up anonymously with a username. WhiteFlag is free for users.