3-19-20 UPDATE: From the desk of Tim Kean, CEO/President

COVID-19 Response Update: 3-19-20

From the desk of Tim Kean, CEO/President

AS OF THURSDAY, MARCH 19, 2020, the following is a current list of activities:

  • Ramping up tailgate food distributions events and organizing more tailgate food distributions in several new locations.
    • An EXTRA tailgate is being held in Elwood in Calloway Park TODAY, March 19, from 1-3p
    • An EXTRA tailgate was just announced for Anderson that will be held TOMORROW, March 20, from 1-3:00pat 2811 E Nichol Ave, Anderson.
      • We are incredibly grateful to Madison County EMA for providing volunteers!
    • Connection with Emergency Management Association (EMA) for resources and manpower to assist with the extra tailgate food distribution.
    • Eliminating barriers for our Agency Partners:
      • Second Harvest has a network of 96 Agency Partners in eight counties. These are food pantries, soup kitchens, and shelters, for example.
      • Until the end of April, Second Harvest is eliminating all agency fees and encouraging our Agency Partners to distribute more food.
        • For example: if an Agency Partner is used to serving 50 people per month, expect to see 100. If they are used to distributing 10 lbs of food per week, get ready for 20-30 lbs. This helps families reduce travel time for resources and food.
      • Second Harvest is asking Agency Partners to lift restrictions for families by allowing them to take more supplies than normal. Again, reducing the amount of travel time.
    • The Big Idea initiative network of schools are operating on a continuous schedule of food distribution with regular days and times via drive-thru formats.
    • Second Harvest is connecting with Neighborhood Association leaders to supply vans full of food for distribution to their neighbors in need.
    • Food Access: grocery stores and food warehouses that we normally depend on have depleted supplies. Second Harvest is traveling farther away and increasing the amount of food at a substantial level.
      • Example of increased cost: before COVID-19, grocery stores would regularly donate semi-trucks full of produce to Second Harvest. Without these donations, a truck load of the same produce has a cost of $9,100. In order to meet the current and escalated demand, we anticipate the need to purchase semi-truck loads of food will be multiple times per week.
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UPDATE: Change of Schedule and Closures for Agency Partners of Second Harvest Food Bank
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3-19-20: JUST ANNOUNCED – EXTRA Tailgate Food Distribution in Anderson
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